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참가자 모집아시아교류협회의 사업에 함께 참여해주세요


[종료] 「Korea-Japan Youth Model Summit」 Call for Applications

작성자 : 관리자 작성일 : 2023-10-24 조회수 : 3616
첨부파일 : (Call for Applications) Korea-Japan Youth Model Summit.pdf


* The recruitment period has been extended until November 29st (Wed) only for Japanese participants (일본인 참가자에 한해서 11월 29일(수)까지 모집 기한 연장)


Language: Korean and English (한국어 및 영어로 진행)





The Asia Exchange Association and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea are hosting the 'Korea-Japan Youth Model Summit,' a forum through which Korean and Japanese youths can foster mutual understanding and co-prosperity between the two nations. Youth wishing to become global leaders contributing to the Korea-Japan relationship are encouraged to apply. Please refer to the attached file and poster below for detailed information. 


Please fill out the application form by scanning the QR code on the poster or accessing the link below; 



Thank you for your interest in the ‘Korea-Japan Youth Model Summit.’


한-일 청년 모의 양자회담 참가자 모집 포스터 최종본.jpg
